10 Job Reference Etiquette Tips: Dos & Don'ts

published on 16 July 2024

Here's a quick guide to job reference etiquette:

Do Don't
Ask permission before listing Surprise your references
Choose people who know your work well Use the same people too often
Provide job and resume info to references Forget to follow up after interviews
Keep references updated on your job search Use outdated contact information
Thank your references Put references on your resume

Key points:

  • Always get permission first
  • Brief references on the job you're applying for
  • Choose former bosses, coworkers, or mentors as references
  • Keep references informed throughout your job search
  • Show gratitude with a thank-you note or small gift
  • Use a separate reference sheet, not your resume
  • Stay in touch with references to maintain relationships

Following these tips will help you manage your job references professionally and increase your chances of landing the job you want.

5 Things to Do

1. Ask Before Listing

Always get permission before using someone as a reference. Tell them about the job you want. This shows you respect their time and helps them be ready to say good things about your work.

2. Choose Good References

Pick people who know your work well and can say positive things. Good choices are:

Type of Reference Why They're Good
Former bosses Can talk about how you work
Coworkers Know your teamwork skills
Mentors Can speak about your growth

3. Give Them Info

Help your references by giving them:

  • The job description
  • Your resume
  • Key points about your work you want them to mention

This helps them talk about why you're right for the job.

4. Keep Them Updated

Tell your references:

  • When they might get a call
  • How your job search is going

This keeps them ready to help when needed.

5. Say Thanks

Show you're grateful:

  • Send a thank-you note
  • Give a small gift if you want

This helps keep good relationships with your references.


5 Things to Avoid

1. Don't Surprise References

Always ask before using someone as a reference. Tell them about the job you're applying for. This helps them be ready to talk about your work.

Do Don't
Ask permission List without asking
Brief them on the job Assume they remember everything

2. Don't Overuse People

Don't ask the same people too often. Use different references for different jobs. This shows you know many people and have many skills.

3. Don't Forget to Follow Up

Tell your references what happened with the job. Keep in touch with them. Thank them for their help.

When to Follow Up What to Say
After the interview How it went
When you get the job Thank them for their help
If you don't get the job Thank them and update on your search

4. Don't Use Old Contact Info

Make sure you have the right phone numbers and emails for your references. If you haven't talked to someone in a long time, check if they still want to be a reference.

5. Don't Put References on Your Resume

Keep your list of references separate. Only give it when the employer asks for it. This shows you respect people's privacy.

Where to Put References When to Give Them
On a separate sheet When the employer asks
Not on your resume Not with your initial application


Main Points to Remember

Here's a quick recap of the key job reference etiquette tips:

Do Don't
Ask permission before listing Surprise your references
Brief references on the job Use the same people too often
Choose people who know your work Forget to follow up
Keep references updated Use old contact info
Thank your references Put references on your resume

Keeping in Touch with References

Staying connected with your references is important for your career. Here's why:

  • It can lead to new job opportunities
  • You might get more recommendations
  • It helps build your professional network

To keep good relationships with your references:

  1. Stay in touch even after you get a job
  2. Let them know how your career is going
  3. Thank them for their help


How do you ask for a job reference?

Here's how to ask someone to be your job reference:

Step Action
1 Ask before using their name
2 Call or email them
3 Tell them about the job
4 Send your resume
5 Thank them

After they agree, give them details about the job. Always thank them for their help.

Should I tell my references they might get a call?

Yes, you should. Here's why:

Reasons to Tell References
It's polite
They can prepare
They won't be surprised
They can give better answers

Letting your references know helps them give good answers about your work.

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