10 Tips to Make Your Resume ATS-Friendly in 2024

published on 15 July 2024

Here's how to optimize your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in 2024:

  1. Use a simple, clean format
  2. Include keywords from the job description
  3. Choose the right file format (PDF or .docx)
  4. Use standard section headings
  5. Tailor your resume for each job
  6. Include a skills section
  7. Use full spellings and avoid abbreviations
  8. Make contact information easy to find
  9. Focus on relevant work experience
  10. Proofread and check for ATS compatibility
Tip Key Action
Format Keep it simple and clean
Keywords Use job-specific terms
File Type PDF or Word (.docx)
Headings Use standard titles
Tailoring Customize for each job
Skills Include a dedicated section
Spelling Write out abbreviations
Contact Info Make it prominent
Experience Highlight relevant jobs
Final Check Ensure ATS readability

These tips will help your resume pass ATS screening and reach human recruiters.

1. Use a Simple, Clean Format

When making your resume ATS-friendly, keep it simple and clean. This helps the computer system read your information easily.


Follow these tips for good formatting:

  • Use standard margins (1 inch on all sides)
  • Choose clear headings
  • Use bullet points for lists
  • Avoid tables, charts, or pictures

Section Headings

Use common titles for your resume sections:

Section Title Example Content
Work Experience Job titles, companies, dates
Education Degrees, schools, graduation dates
Skills List of relevant abilities

These standard headings help the ATS find important information quickly.

2. Use Important Words from the Job Description

When making your resume work well with ATS, using the right words is key. This helps the computer system match your resume to the job.

How to Use Important Words

Find the main words and phrases from the job post and add them to your resume. This includes:

  • Job-specific terms
  • Technical skills
  • People skills

Put these words in your:

  • Job titles and details
  • Skills list
  • Education and training
  • Work achievements
Where to Add Important Words Examples
Job titles "Marketing Manager", "Software Developer"
Skills section "Project Management", "Java Programming"
Work achievements "Increased sales by 20%", "Developed new software"


  • Use words naturally
  • Don't overuse them
  • Show your skills and experience honestly

The goal is to show you're a good fit for the job, not to trick the computer system.

3. Choose the Right File Format for Your Resume

The file format of your resume is important when making it work well with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Some ATS can read different file types, but others might have trouble with certain formats. To make sure your resume works with most ATS, pick the right file format.

Best File Format for ATS

Many people argue about the best file format for resumes. Based on what we know, it's best to use a PDF file for your resume. PDFs work well with most systems and keep your resume looking the same for both people and computers.

File Format Pros Cons
PDF - Keeps formatting
- Works with most ATS
- Looks the same on all devices
- Some older ATS might have trouble reading
Word (.docx) - Easy to edit
- Works with all ATS
- Formatting might change on different devices

What to do:

  • Check the job post to see if they ask for a specific file type
  • Some companies like Word files, others are okay with PDF or Word
  • Always make sure your resume is easy to read

Tip: Save your resume as both PDF and Word files. This way, you're ready for any job application.

4. Use Standard Section Headings

When making your resume work with ATS, use common section headings. This helps both the computer system and people who read resumes find what they need quickly.

Section Headings

Use simple, clear headings that most people in the job world know. This makes it easy for the ATS to sort your information. Here are some good examples:

Good Headings Bad Headings
Work Experience My Job Journey
Education Where I Learned Stuff
Skills Things I'm Good At
Contact Information How to Reach Me

Tips for using headings:

  • Keep them simple
  • Use words everyone knows
  • Don't try to be too clever

5. Make Your Resume Fit Each Job

When you apply for a job, change your resume to match that specific job. This helps your resume get through the computer system (ATS) and to the person who hires. Here's how to do it:

Use the Right Words

Find important words from the job post and put them in your resume. This helps the computer system see that you're a good fit. Use both long and short versions of words, like this:

Word Type Example
Full Name Master of Business Administration
Short Name MBA

Keep It Simple

Make your resume easy to read:

  • Use basic fonts like Arial or Times New Roman
  • Don't use tables or columns
  • Save your file as a .docx if you can

Show What Matters

Change your work history to show skills that fit the job:

  • Pick past jobs that relate to this new job
  • Talk about what you did well in those jobs
  • Show how your past work can help in this new job

6. Include a Skills Section

A Skills section is important for your resume to work well with ATS. This part shows what you can do and helps the computer find key words.

How to Set Up

Make your Skills section easy to read:

  • Use bullet points
  • Keep it simple
  • Don't use tables or columns

Use Job Words

Put words from the job post in your Skills section. This helps match your skills to what the job needs. Use both long and short forms of words.

Skill Type Example
Full Name Master of Business Administration
Short Name MBA


  • Change your Skills section for each job
  • List skills that fit the job you want
  • Use words from the job post
  • Keep your list honest and true

7. Use Full Spellings and Avoid Abbreviations

When making your resume work with ATS, it's best to use full spellings and not use short forms. This might seem odd, especially if you work in a field where short forms are common. But ATS might not understand short forms, which could make your resume get rejected.

How to Write

To help ATS read your resume easily:

  • Use normal headings
  • Don't use fancy layouts
  • Write out full words instead of using short forms

Important Words

While you should avoid short forms, you can still use important words from the job post. This helps your resume match what the job needs. Use both the full word and the short form of important words to help your resume pass the ATS check.

Word Type Example
Full Word Master of Business Administration
Short Form MBA

Remember, the goal is to make it easy for ATS to find your skills, not to look fancy. By using full words and not using short forms, you can help your resume get past ATS and to the person who hires.


  • Don't use words only people in your job field know, unless they're very common
  • Write out short forms at least once in your resume so ATS can find them
  • Use the same words as the job post to help your resume match what they want

8. Make Your Contact Information Easy to Find

When making your resume work with ATS, it's important to set up your contact information so both computers and people can read it easily. Here's how to do it:

How to Format

Use a clear and simple format for your contact details. Include:

  • Your full name
  • A work-friendly email address
  • Your phone number
  • Your LinkedIn profile (or other work-related social media)

Don't use fancy fonts or colors that might confuse the computer system.

Section Title

Use a simple title for this part of your resume, like "Contact Information" or "About Me." This helps the computer find and use your details.

What to Include Example
Full Name John Smith
Email [email protected]
Phone (555) 123-4567
LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/johnsmith

9. Focus on Relevant Work Experience

When making your resume work well with ATS, it's important to show work experience that fits the job you want. This part of your resume should show what you've done well, what you can do, and why you're good for the job.

How to Set Up

List your jobs from newest to oldest. This makes it easy for the computer and people to see your most recent work first.

Use Important Words

Put words from the job post in your work experience section. This helps the computer match your resume to the job. Use these words to talk about:

  • What you did at your jobs
  • What you're good at
  • What you achieved


Here's how you can write about your work experience:

Job Title Company Dates
Software Developer Tech Innovations Inc. June 2019 — Present
  • Led a team of 5 to make a program that handles lots of data, making work 20% faster
  • Used new ways to work that helped finish projects 30% quicker

This example shows:

  • Your job title and when you worked
  • What you did that helped the company
  • How you made things better with numbers to prove it

10. Proofread and Check for ATS Compatibility


To make your resume work with ATS:

  • Use a simple layout
  • Add clear headings
  • Use bullet points
  • Avoid tables, charts, and pictures


To pass ATS screening:

  • Use words from the job post
  • Put these words in your work history and skills
  • Include both job skills and people skills
  • Focus on words the job post mentions most

File Format

Choose the right file type:

Format Good for ATS Notes
PDF Usually good Keeps layout the same
Word (.doc/.docx) Always works Some ATS prefer this

Check the job post to see what file type they want. If unsure, send both PDF and Word.

Section Headings

Use common headings that ATS can understand:

  • Work Experience
  • Skills
  • Education

Don't use fancy names for these parts. Keep it simple so the ATS can find your info easily.

Lastly, use a resume that shows your jobs from newest to oldest. This helps both ATS and people see your recent work first.


Making a resume that works well with ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) needs careful planning and attention to detail. By using the 10 tips in this article, you can make your resume more likely to get past ATS and be seen by real people.

Here's a quick summary of what to do:

Tip What to Do
1. Simple format Use clear layout, standard margins
2. Use job keywords Add words from the job post
3. Right file format Use PDF or Word (.docx)
4. Standard headings Use common section titles
5. Tailor to each job Change resume for each application
6. Include skills section List relevant abilities
7. Spell out words Avoid short forms
8. Clear contact info Make it easy to find
9. Show relevant work Focus on fitting experience
10. Check and proofread Make sure everything is correct

Remember, it's important to make your resume work for both ATS and people. Try different ways to write your resume to see what works best.


What makes a CV not ATS-friendly?

Don't use images, charts, or graphics in your resume. These look good to people but confuse ATS. For example:

Don't Use Why
Images ATS can't read them
Charts Become jumbled in ATS
Graphics Make resume hard for ATS to understand

If you put a picture to show your skills, the ATS won't be able to read it.

How to pass ATS screening?

To get through ATS screening:

  • Use words from the job post
  • Change your resume for each job
  • Keep your resume simple and clear
  • Don't apply for too many jobs at one company
  • Follow the instructions in the job post

How do I make my resume ATS friendly?

To make your resume work with ATS:

Do This Why
Avoid graphics ATS can't read them
Use 1-inch margins Makes resume easy to scan
Use single spacing Helps ATS read text
Use clear headings ATS can find information
Use a normal font Ensures ATS can read text
Focus on relevant work Shows you fit the job

These steps help ATS read your resume and match you to the job.

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