15 ATS Resume Templates & Tips for 2024

published on 13 August 2024

Here's what you need to know about creating an ATS-friendly resume in 2024:

  • ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) are used by 99% of Fortune 500 companies
  • 75% of resumes are rejected by ATS before a human sees them
  • Key tips for ATS-friendly resumes:
    1. Use simple formatting (no graphics, tables, or columns)
    2. Include relevant keywords from the job description
    3. Save as .docx file
    4. Use standard section headers
    5. Choose common fonts like Arial or Calibri, 10-12pt size
Template Type Best For Key Feature
Modern Professional All industries Clear sections
Classic Clean Finance, Law Simple design
Simple Creative Creative fields ATS-friendly modern look
Minimalist Experienced pros Space-efficient
Reverse Chronological Most jobs Work history focus

This article covers 15 ATS-friendly resume templates, formatting tips, common mistakes to avoid, and how to test your resume's ATS compatibility. Follow these guidelines to improve your chances of getting past ATS screening and into the hands of human recruiters.

How ATS Works

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are key tools in modern hiring. They help companies sort through many job applications quickly.

ATS Scanning Process

When you apply for a job, here's what happens:

  1. You submit your resume
  2. The ATS reads your resume
  3. It looks for important information like:
    • Your contact details
    • Work history
    • Skills
    • Education
  4. The system organizes this information
  5. It compares your resume to the job description
  6. Your resume gets a score based on how well it matches
ATS Process Step What Happens
Resume submission You apply for the job
Information extraction ATS pulls out key details
Data organization Info is sorted into categories
Keyword matching Your resume is compared to job requirements
Scoring Your application gets ranked

It's important to know that 75% of resumes don't make it past the ATS to human reviewers.

Why Companies Use ATS

Companies like using ATS because:

  • It saves time
  • It cuts down on hiring costs
  • It helps avoid unfair hiring practices

In fact, 99% of big companies (Fortune 500) use ATS. It helps them handle lots of applications while following hiring laws.

Common ATS Problems for Job Seekers

When applying for jobs, watch out for these ATS issues:

Problem Why It Happens How to Avoid It
Formatting issues Complex designs confuse ATS Use simple layouts
Missing keywords Not using words from the job ad Include key terms from the job description
Wrong file type Some ATS can't read certain files Use MS Word files (.doc or .docx)

For example, in 2022, a study found that 25% of the time, ATS couldn't find contact info in resume headers or footers. To fix this, put your contact details in the main body of your resume.

To get past ATS and reach human recruiters:

  1. Keep your resume design simple
  2. Use words from the job posting
  3. Choose the right file format

ATS-Friendly Resume Basics

Creating a resume that works well with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) is key for job seekers. Here's what you need to know:

Key Parts of an ATS-Compatible Resume

Include these elements in your resume:

Element Description Example
Keywords Use words from the job posting For a marketing role: "social media", "SEO", "content strategy"
Job Titles Match titles to the job you're applying for "Digital Marketing Manager" instead of just "Manager"
Standard Headings Use clear section titles "Work Experience", "Education", "Skills"
Simple Design Keep the layout basic Single column, no complex graphics

Formatting Rules

Follow these guidelines to make sure ATS can read your resume:

  • File Type: Use .doc or .txt files
  • Font: Choose Arial or Times New Roman, size 10-12
  • Layout: Stick to one column
  • Margins: Set to 1.5 cm (0.6 inches) on sides, 2 cm (0.8 inches) on top

Must-Have Resume Sections

Include these sections in your ATS-friendly resume:

1. Contact Information

  • Put your name, phone, email, and LinkedIn profile in the main body
  • Don't use headers or footers

2. Resume Headline

  • Write a short statement about your experience
  • Example: "Software Developer with 5 Years in Full-Stack Development"

3. Summary Statement

  • Brief overview of your skills
  • Tailor it to each job you apply for

4. Core Competencies

  • List key skills that match the job description

5. Professional History

  • List your jobs in reverse order (newest first)
  • Focus on what you achieved in each role

6. Education

  • Include degrees and certifications that fit the job

Real-World Example

In 2022, Johnson & Johnson used Workday ATS to screen 1 million applications for 25,000 jobs. Sjoerd Gehring, VP of Talent Acquisition, said: "Our ATS helps us find top talent quickly and fairly."

To improve your chances with ATS:

  1. Use simple formatting
  2. Include keywords from the job description
  3. Avoid images or complex layouts

15 ATS Resume Templates for 2024

Here's a list of 15 ATS-friendly resume templates for 2024, designed to help your application get noticed by recruiters.

1. Modern Professional

Clean layout with clear sections. Good for many industries. Easy for ATS and humans to read.

2. Classic Clean

Best for finance and law jobs. Simple design that shows your experience and skills clearly.

3. Simple Creative

For creative jobs. Looks modern but still works with ATS. Shows your personality while keeping important info easy to find.

4. Minimalist Design

Uses space well. Good for people with lots of experience. Keeps important details clear without extra stuff.

5. Bold Header

Has a strong header to get attention. Works well with ATS. Good for standing out in busy job markets.

6. Functional Format

Focuses on skills and achievements. Good for tech jobs and detail-oriented work.

7. Reverse Chronological

Shows work history from newest to oldest. Good if you want to show how your career has grown.

8. Simple Chrono

Easy to change. Good for first jobs. Focuses on education and skills for new graduates.

9. Executive Resume

For high-level jobs. Looks professional with a simple header. Shows leadership skills and big achievements.

10. IT Specialist

Made for tech jobs. Shows technical skills and certifications clearly. Easy for ATS to find important keywords.

11. Marketing Pro

For marketing jobs. Shows creative projects and results. Follows ATS rules while looking good.

12. Teacher Resume

For educators. Highlights teaching experience and education. Shows relevant skills and certifications clearly.

13. Clean and Simple

Works for many jobs. Very clear and straightforward. Good for big companies that use ATS.

14. Basic Graphics

Has some simple graphics but still works with ATS. Good for creative jobs that allow a bit of design.

15. Hybrid Format

Mixes skills-based and work history formats. Good if you have different types of experience.

Template Name Best For Key Feature
Modern Professional All industries Clear sections
Classic Clean Finance, Law Simple, professional
Simple Creative Creative fields Modern look, ATS-friendly
Minimalist Design Experienced professionals Space-efficient
Bold Header Competitive markets Eye-catching header
Functional Format Tech, detail-oriented jobs Skills-focused
Reverse Chronological Career progression Work history focus
Simple Chrono Entry-level Education-focused
Executive Resume Senior positions Leadership emphasis
IT Specialist Tech jobs Technical skills highlight
Marketing Pro Marketing roles Results-driven
Teacher Resume Education sector Teaching experience focus
Clean and Simple Large companies ATS-optimized
Basic Graphics Creative roles Subtle design elements
Hybrid Format Diverse experience Skills and history balance

Choose a template that fits your job and experience. Remember to add keywords from the job description to your resume. This helps it get through ATS and to human recruiters.

Using ATS Resume Templates

ATS resume templates help job seekers create resumes that work well with applicant tracking systems. Here's how to use these templates effectively:

Customizing Templates

When adjusting ATS resume templates:

  • Use common section titles like "Experience," "Skills," and "Education"
  • Add keywords from the job description
  • Keep the layout simple with one column and standard fonts (Arial or Calibri)

Template Mistakes to Avoid

Watch out for these common errors:

Mistake Why It's a Problem How to Fix It
Unusual job titles Confuses ATS Use standard industry titles
Complex formatting ATS can't read it Avoid graphics and tables
Info in headers/footers ATS might miss it Put all details in the main body

Making Resumes ATS-Friendly and Readable

To create a resume that works for both ATS and human readers:

  1. Use a clean, simple design
  2. Organize information clearly
  3. Test your resume with ATS tools

Real-World Example

In 2022, Johnson & Johnson used Workday ATS to review 1 million applications for 25,000 jobs. Sjoerd Gehring, VP of Talent Acquisition, said: "Our ATS helps us find good candidates quickly and fairly."

ATS Usage Statistics

Statistic Percentage
Fortune 500 companies using ATS 99%
Large companies using ATS 70%
Qualified candidates rejected by ATS due to formatting 75%

To improve your chances with ATS:

  1. Use a .docx file format
  2. Choose fonts like Arial or Times New Roman, size 10-12
  3. Avoid images and complex layouts

Tips for ATS-Friendly Resumes

Here's how to make your resume work well with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS):

Use the Right Keywords

Put words from the job ad in your resume:

  • Read the job description carefully
  • Find important words about skills and qualifications
  • Add these words to your resume where they fit naturally

For example, if a marketing job asks for "SEO experience," make sure "SEO" is in your skills list or work history.

Format Your Resume Correctly

Use a simple layout that ATS can read easily:

  • List your jobs from newest to oldest
  • Use normal section titles like "Work Experience" and "Education"
  • Avoid fancy designs, pictures, or tables

Choose the Best File Type

Save your resume in a file type that works with ATS:

File Type ATS Compatibility
.docx Works best
PDF OK for newer ATS

Label Your Sections Clearly

Use standard names for each part of your resume:

  • Summary
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Skills

Don't use creative titles like "My Journey" - ATS might not understand them.

Keep the Design Simple

Make your resume easy for ATS to scan:

  • Use common fonts like Arial or Times New Roman
  • Don't use too much bold or italic text
  • Keep everything lined up neatly

Real-World Example

In 2022, Google received over 3 million job applications. Their ATS, Greenhouse, helped sort through these applications quickly. A Google recruiter said, "Using an ATS helps us find the best candidates faster, but we still look at each qualified resume personally."

To improve your chances:

  1. Match your resume to each job you apply for
  2. Use words from the job description
  3. Keep your layout simple and clear

Tailoring Resumes for Different ATS

Research Company ATS

To improve your chances of getting noticed, find out which Applicant Tracking System (ATS) a company uses:

  • Check the company's website for hiring process details
  • Ask current or former employees on LinkedIn
  • Look for ATS names in job posting instructions

Knowing the ATS helps you format your resume correctly.

Industry-Specific Resumes

Different jobs need different resume styles:

Industry Resume Focus
Tech Skills and projects
Finance Certifications and numbers

To make an industry-specific resume:

  1. Look at sample resumes in your field
  2. Use common terms from job ads
  3. Follow the usual layout for your industry

Match Job Descriptions

Make your resume fit the job you want:

  1. Find important words in the job ad
  2. Use these words in your resume
  3. Change your work history to show relevant experience

For example, if a job needs "project management skills," write about times you managed projects.

Real-World Example

In 2022, Google got over 3 million job applications. They used Greenhouse ATS to sort them. A Google recruiter said: "Our ATS helps us find good candidates faster, but we still look at each qualified resume ourselves."

ATS Fact Number
Fortune 500 companies using ATS 99%
Large companies using ATS 70%
Qualified candidates rejected by ATS due to poor formatting 75%

To do well with ATS:

  1. Use a .docx file
  2. Pick simple fonts like Arial, size 10-12
  3. Keep your layout basic without pictures

Testing ATS Compatibility

Here's how to check if your resume works well with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS):

Free ATS Checkers

Use these tools to test your resume:

Tool What It Does
Jobscan Compares your resume to job descriptions
TopResume Checks for common ATS issues
Resumake Gives quick feedback on ATS readiness


Try these simple checks yourself:

1. Plain Text Test

Save your resume as a .txt file. If it looks messy, fix your formatting.

2. Contact Info Check

Make sure your name and contact details are in the main part of your resume, not in headers or footers.

3. Keyword Match

Compare your resume to the job ad. Add important words the ad uses.

Using ATS Test Results

After testing, do this:

  1. Find problem areas in your resume
  2. Fix those problems
  3. Test again to see if it's better

Real-World Example

In 2022, Google got over 3 million job applications. They used Greenhouse ATS to sort them. A Google recruiter said: "Our ATS helps us find good candidates faster, but we still look at each qualified resume ourselves."

ATS Fact Number
Big companies using ATS 99%
Resumes rejected by ATS 75%

To do well with ATS:

  1. Use a .docx file
  2. Use simple fonts like Arial, size 10-12
  3. Keep your layout basic without pictures

ATS Resume Mistakes to Avoid

Many job seekers make errors that prevent their resumes from passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Here are key mistakes to avoid:

Keyword Issues

Don't stuff your resume with too many keywords. This can make your resume look fake to the ATS. Instead, use words from the job ad naturally in your resume.

Do Don't
Use job-specific terms Repeat keywords excessively
Include skills mentioned in the job post Add irrelevant keywords
Write in a natural, flowing style Force keywords where they don't fit

File Format Problems

Choose the right file type for your resume. Some formats work better with ATS than others.

Best Formats Why
.docx Most ATS can read this easily
.doc Works well with older ATS
PDF (text-based) Good for newer ATS

Avoid image-based PDFs, as ATS can't read the text in images.

Unusual Section Headers

Use standard names for resume sections. Fancy titles can confuse the ATS.

Use This Not This
Work Experience My Professional Journey
Skills Where I Shine
Education Learning Adventures

Complex Formatting

Keep your resume design simple. Fancy layouts can make it hard for ATS to read your information.

Avoid Why
Tables ATS might not read them correctly
Text boxes Can be ignored by some ATS
Images ATS can't understand pictures
Multiple columns Can jumble your information

Real-World Impact

In 2022, a study by TopResume found that 75% of resumes are rejected by ATS before a human sees them. This shows how important it is to make your resume ATS-friendly.

To improve your chances:

1. Use a simple, clean layout

2. Include relevant keywords from the job description

3. Save your resume as a .docx file

4. Use standard section headers

5. Avoid complex formatting and design elements

Future of ATS and Resumes

As job markets change, so do the tools used to hire people. In 2024, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) will use more advanced technology to screen resumes and manage hiring.

New ATS Features

ATS technology in 2024 will have several new features:

Feature Description
Better Language Processing Improved understanding of resumes
Video Assessments Evaluating candidates through recorded interviews
Social Media Integration Finding candidates on platforms like LinkedIn

These changes will help companies find good candidates faster and more easily.

AI in Resume Screening

AI is changing how companies look at resumes. It can:

  • Check resumes for skills and qualifications quickly
  • Reduce the time it takes to hire someone
  • Help find better candidates

For example, Zoom and Pinterest have used AI to make their hiring faster. However, people still make the final hiring decisions to ensure fairness.

AI Impact on Hiring Percentage
Employers who say AI saves time 67%
HR experts who think AI reduces bias 43%

Making Resumes Work for Both ATS and People

To make a resume that works well with ATS and impresses hiring managers:

  1. Use common section titles like "Work Experience" and "Skills"
  2. Include words from the job description
  3. Keep the layout simple and easy to read
Resume Tips Why It's Important
Use Standard Headers Helps ATS find important information
Include Job-Specific Words Makes your resume match what the company wants
Simple Layout Easy for both ATS and people to read

As hiring processes change, job seekers need to keep up with new trends. Understanding how ATS and AI work in hiring can help you make a better resume and increase your chances of getting a job.


Making a resume that works with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) is key for job seekers today. Here's what you need to know to improve your chances of getting noticed:

Top ATS Resume Tips

Tip Why It Matters
Use common file types (.doc, .docx, PDF) ATS can read these easily
Add job-specific words Helps your resume match what employers want
Keep design simple Makes it easy for ATS to read your info
Test your resume Helps you find and fix problems

Real-World Results

In 2022, Johnson & Johnson got over 1 million job applications for 25,000 jobs. They used Workday ATS to sort them. Sjoerd Gehring, their VP of Talent Acquisition, said:

"Our ATS helps us find good candidates faster, but we still look at each qualified resume ourselves."

This shows that while ATS is important, human reviewers still play a big role.

Keep Improving Your Resume

As you apply for jobs:

1. Update your skills and experiences

2. Change your resume for each job you apply to

3. Use feedback to make your resume better

Remember, a good resume not only passes ATS checks but also impresses hiring managers. Keep working on it as you grow in your career.

ATS Fact Number
Big companies using ATS 99%
Resumes rejected by ATS 75%

These numbers show why it's so important to make your resume work well with ATS.


Which is the best ATS-friendly resume template?

The reverse chronological resume is the best format for ATS. It lists your work experience from most recent to oldest, making it easy for ATS to understand your career path.

How do I make sure my resume is ATS-friendly?

Follow these steps to create an ATS-friendly resume:

  1. Use the job title in your resume headline
  2. Add skills that match the job description
  3. Include keywords from the job posting
  4. Choose a simple resume format
  5. Make your resume easy to read
  6. Avoid complex formatting

How do I format my resume for ATS?

To format your resume for ATS:

Do This Why It Helps
Match your resume to the job Shows you're a good fit
Use keywords from the job ad Helps ATS find important info
Use both full words and short forms Covers all bases for keyword matching
Use a simple layout Makes it easy for ATS to read

What is the best resume format for ATS in 2024?

The reverse chronological format remains the best choice for ATS in 2024. It works well unless you're changing careers.

What is the most ATS-friendly resume format?

The reverse chronological resume is the most ATS-friendly. It clearly shows your work history and is easy for ATS to process.

How many resumes get rejected by ATS?

About 75% of resumes don't make it past ATS screening. This happens because of formatting issues or missing keywords.

What file type should I use for my resume?

Use these file types for best ATS compatibility:

File Type Compatibility
.doc Good
.docx Best
.txt Good
PDF Okay, but not always reliable

Can ATS read resume headers and footers?

ATS often has trouble with headers and footers. About 25% of the time, ATS can't find contact info in these areas. Put your contact details in the main body of your resume instead.

How many big companies use ATS?

99% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS to handle job applications. Many smaller companies are starting to use ATS too.

What's a real example of ATS use?

In 2022, Johnson & Johnson got over 1 million job applications for 25,000 jobs. They used Workday ATS to sort through them. This shows how important it is to make your resume work well with ATS.

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