How to Make Your Application Stand Out with Tailored Content

published on 13 January 2024

Crafting a standout job application is no easy feat these days.

However, with some strategic fine-tuning and customization for each role, you can make your materials pop and demonstrate genuine alignment with the company's needs.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore proprietary techniques to decode job descriptions, align your background, and craft tailored content that convinces hiring managers you're an ideal culture add.

Strategies to Make Your Application Stand Out for a Job

Customizing your application materials for each specific job opening is key to standing out amongst other applicants. By taking a personalized approach, you demonstrate relevance, attention to detail, and genuine interest in the role.

Decoding the Job Opening Relevance

Carefully analyze the job posting to identify the key skills, experience, and attributes the employer seeks. Look for any must-have requirements and make note of these. You can then showcase how your background directly aligns with these needs.

Tailoring Your Skills and Experience to the Role

Match your own capabilities, achievements, and credentials to the specifics in the job description. Include concrete examples from your work history that prove you possess the required competencies and are a strong fit for the position.

Understanding the Company's Culture and Aligning Your Application

Research the company's mission, values, and preferences for the work environment. Then tailor your application materials to highlight your cultural alignment. Demonstrate you share their priorities through relevant anecdotes.

The Importance of a Customized Cover Letter

Write a unique cover letter for every application, using the job posting as your guide. Outline why your background, competencies and interests make you an ideal candidate. This shows the hiring manager you carefully considered how you would add value in this particular role.

How can I make my job application stand out?

Making your job application stand out starts with understanding what the hiring manager is looking for in a candidate. Do some research on the company and role to identify the key skills, experiences, and attributes they require.

Then, as you customize your resume and cover letter, be sure to:

  • Highlight relevant skills and accomplishments. Include keywords from the job description, and provide concrete examples of times you successfully used abilities they are seeking.
  • Emphasize transferable skills. Even if you don't have experience in the exact same position, focus on versatile competencies you've developed that apply.
  • Show why you're a great culture fit. Research the company values and mission. Then demonstrate through your application materials how you align with what they prioritize in talent.
  • Convey genuine passion and interest. Hiring managers want people truly excited about the role. So let your enthusiasm come through in the content you write.

By tailoring your application to each opening, checking it aligns with what they are specifically looking for, you'll stand out among more generic applicants. Demonstrating this level of care also signals you'll apply the same attention to detail if hired.

How can I impress my job application?

Tailoring your application materials to each specific job opening is key to standing out among other applicants. Here are some tips to make your application more impressive:

Research the company and role

  • Thoroughly read through the job description and highlight key qualifications and responsibilities.
  • Visit the company's website to understand their mission, values, and work culture.
  • Use this knowledge to showcase how your background and skills directly meet their needs.

Customize your materials

  • Craft a unique cover letter for each application explaining why you are an excellent fit.
  • Tweak your resume summary and key sections to align with the targeted position.
  • Include relevant keywords from the job description throughout your documents.

Demonstrate genuine interest

  • Share what excites you about the company and role in your cover letter.
  • Mention specific projects or initiatives that appeal to you and how you could contribute.
  • Convey enthusiasm for the position and elaborate on how it fits your career goals.

Check for errors

  • Carefully proofread all materials for spelling and grammar errors before submitting.
  • Ask a friend to review and provide feedback to catch things you may have missed.
  • Following up after applying also makes a good impression.

With strategic customization and a focus on fit and interests, your application is sure to catch a hiring manager's eye!

How can I make my application better?

Making your job application stand out from the crowd is crucial to getting noticed by hiring managers. Here are some tips to help customize your application materials:

Research the company and role

  • Thoroughly read through the job description and highlight key skills and requirements.
  • Browse the company website to understand their mission, values, and work culture.
  • Use this knowledge to tailor your resume summary, cover letter, and portfolio examples to show how you are a great match.

Emphasize relevant experience

  • Carefully review your work history and pull out accomplishments that align with the job ad.
  • Feature these experiences prominently in your resume by putting them near the top.
  • In your cover letter, explain how your background makes you well prepared to excel in the role.

Showcase applicable skills

  • Audit your skillset and identify hard and soft skills that apply to the position.
  • Incorporate relevant skills throughout your resume, whether in summaries, experience descriptions, or a dedicated skills section.
  • Provide examples that demonstrate those abilities, such as by describing projects or accomplishments.

Convey genuine interest

  • Research the hiring manager and address them by name in your cover letter.
  • Use the cover letter to express what excites you about the company and role.
  • Ask thoughtful questions that show your engagement when interviewing.

The key is ensuring your application materials are tailored for each job you apply to rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach. This extra effort can help you stand out.

How do I get my job application noticed every time?

Getting your job application noticed requires putting in extra effort to make it stand out. Here are some key tips:

Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter

  • Carefully review the job description and highlight key skills and requirements
  • Tailor your resume bullet points to show how your background directly meets those needs
  • Rewrite your cover letter for each application, focusing on your fit
  • Use the company's language and terminology throughout to show your alignment with their needs


  • Leverage your professional and personal connections at the company to make direct contact
  • Ask contacts if they can refer your application to the hiring manager
  • See if you can discover the hiring manager's name and reach out directly

Follow Up

  • One week after applying, follow up to reiterate interest and check on application status
  • Be persistent yet professional in following up periodically if you receive no response
  • Send a thank you note after interviews to further distinguish yourself

Standing out when applying for jobs is challenging but doable through customization, networking, and tenacity in following up. Prioritize applications where you have an inside connection, and don't be afraid to put in the extra effort.


Creating a Resume That Catches the Eye of Hiring Managers

To create a resume that stands out to hiring managers, it's important to customize it for each specific job opening. This shows you have taken the time to align your skills and experience with what they are looking for.

Crafting an Engaging Resume Summary

The resume summary (or profile) is a short introductory paragraph highlighting your most relevant qualifications. When customizing it per job:

  • List 2-3 key areas of expertise that match the position requirements
  • Use keywords from the job posting to show direct relevance
  • Keep it concise - 3-4 lines or 2-3 short sentences
  • Lead with your strongest selling point

Here is an example summary tailored for a content writer role:

Skilled and creative content writer with over 5 years experience creating SEO-optimized blog posts, guides, and marketing copy. Maintains above-average click and conversion rates. Proficient in research, interviews, multimedia content creation, and deadlines.

Effective Resume Headers and Job Descriptions

The descriptions under each work experience header should immediately connect to the job you’re applying for.

  • Start with a customized header that includes the position title plus 1-2 key requirements or keywords
  • Use bullets to describe 3-5 responsibilities and accomplishments that demonstrate you meet the job criteria
  • Emphasize metrics and specifics like "increased traffic 20% month-over-month"

For example:

SEO Content Writer - Research, Interviews, Multimedia

  • Conducted 50+ user interviews annually uncovering content needs
  • Created comparison posts driving 8000+ clicks over 2 years
  • Managed multimedia team of 2 designers and 1 videographer
  • Optimized pieces for long-tail keywords, improving organic visits 15%

Choosing Skills That Demonstrate Job Relevance

The skills section is a quick way to showcase alignment with the position. But skills irrelevant to the job can undermine your customization efforts.

When selecting which skills to list:

  • Carefully compare the job description against your capabilities
  • Only include skills required or preferred for that role
  • Prioritize showcasing specialized abilities like software proficiency
  • Keep the list brief - 6 proven skills aligned to the position is ideal

For a content writer job, relevant skills may include:

  • SEO research and optimization
  • Interview techniques
  • Markdown formatting
  • Google Analytics
  • Multimedia content creation
  • AP style standards

Selecting References Who Can Vouch for Your Relevant Experience

Choose references who can directly speak to your qualifications tied to the specific role.

When deciding on references:

  • Select previous managers or colleagues in a similar position
  • Confirm they will proactively discuss your relevant strengths
  • Provide them a copy of the job description for context
  • List just 2-3 references focused on your customized experience

For a content writing job, ideal references could be:

  • Direct supervisor overseeing your content team
  • Product manager who commissioned your comparison articles
  • Former editor highlighting your research and optimization expertise

Following these strategies for customizing each section of your resume will demonstrate genuine alignment with the open position. Taking the time to tailor for relevance makes a powerful impression compared to submitting a generic document.

How to Stand Out When Applying for a Job Online

Job seekers today face more competition than ever when applying for open positions. With applicant tracking systems filtering hundreds of resumes and online job boards making it easier to submit applications with just a few clicks, it can be challenging to make your materials stand out. However, by utilizing some key digital solutions, you can create tailored, high-impact application documents that demonstrate your genuine interest in the role.

Utilizing Resume Optimization Software for Tailored Content

AI-powered resume optimization tools analyze job descriptions and help match your experience, skills, and background to the specifics of each opening. Some services even generate a customized resume draft using your existing materials. The benefit is a resume that highlights precisely how you meet the position's requirements.

Be sure to review any auto-generated content carefully before submitting it. But these technologies can save significant time tailoring a generic resume. They also reduce the risk of overlooking critical keywords that applicant tracking systems scan for.

Ensuring Your Resume is ATS-Friendly

You want to ensure your resume and other documents are formatted properly so application tracking software can easily scan and rank them. Here are some tips:

  • Use a simple, clean layout without complex columns, tables, images, or unusual styling.
  • Export your resume as a .DOCX not PDF. PDFs can scramble layouts.
  • Use standard fonts like Arial, Times New Roman and easy-to-read sizes between 10-12pt.
  • Only include horizontal lines, bullets, italics, bold, caps, and underlines for text emphasis.
  • Be concise and clear with your content using keywords from the job description.

Formatting for both human and software readers ensures your resume makes it to the next stage.

Creating a Personalized Cover Letter with Online Templates

Alongside your resume, take the time to include a unique cover letter for each application. Reusable online cover letter templates with dynamic fields allow you to efficiently generate a personalized letter tailored to every job opening.

Plug the specifics of each position into designated fields and the technology outputs a tailored letter mapped to that role. Some services even provide different templates for your industry or job type.

The ability to quickly generate a custom cover letter for each application makes it feasible to demonstrate attention to detail in highlighting your genuine fit and interest.

Tracking Job Application Performance Online

Finally, online services exist to provide insights into how your job application is performing after you submit it. Offering tracking pixels, analytics dashboards, and alerts, these tools can notify you when hiring managers open your email, view your resume, or click your portfolio link.

Gaining visibility into this level of engagement can indicate if your documents are resonating. It also reminds you to follow up with the hiring team if interest seems low.

By combining customized resume drafting, ATS-friendly formatting, personalized cover letters, and performance tracking, job seekers now have more technology solutions than ever to make their applications stand out during the competitive hiring process. The key is finding and properly utilizing the digital tools best suited for your needs.

Creative Ways to Stand Out When Applying for a Job

Prominently displaying relevant skills, gaining strategic endorsements, sharing industry-focused content, and optimizing with effective keywords can help job seekers stand out when applying for roles. By tailoring your online presence to align with key application themes, you demonstrate genuine interest in potential employers.

Prominently Displaying Relevant Skills on Your LinkedIn Profile

When applying for roles in high demand fields, showcase capabilities on your LinkedIn profile that directly match required and preferred skills listed in job descriptions. For example:

  • If pursuing software engineering openings, ensure your LinkedIn headlines and featured skills showcase proficiencies in key programming languages like Python and JavaScript.

  • If targeting project management positions, highlight methodologies such as Agile and Waterfall under certifications.

  • If looking to join a top-tier consulting firm, display analytical skills like data visualization and financial modeling.

This helps hiring managers and recruiters immediately identify alignment between your background and abilities with open positions at their organizations.

Gaining Strategic Endorsements to Impress Hiring Managers

Build credibility around specialized abilities by gaining LinkedIn Skill Endorsements from current and former colleagues. For example:

  • Ask managers at previous analytics roles to endorse you for "Data Analysis" or "SQL".
  • Request teammates from consulting projects to endorse "Project Management" skills.
  • Have peers in graduate programs confirm abilities like "Academic Research" and "Technical Writing".

With each endorsement, aim to reinforce capabilities that hiring managers deem critical. This displays third-party confirmation of relevant competencies.

Sharing and Engaging with Industry-Focused Content

Establishing yourself as a thought leader familiar with latest industry trends is key. On LinkedIn and other social platforms, actively:

  • Share articles and insights centered around your target field. This demonstrates genuine interest and awareness.
  • Comment on posts from industry influencers and companies to display perspective.
  • Like and react to content from accounts you aspire to work with.

Such engagement shows alignment between your passions and priorities and those of potential employers.

Optimizing Your Online Profile with Effective Keywords

Just as customized resumes and cover letters integrate important terminology, ensure your LinkedIn headline, summary, and experience descriptions use relevant keywords. Sources include:

  • Job descriptions of roles you plan to apply for
  • Profiles of employees at target companies
  • Industry-specific phrases on online job boards

Work these exact words and phrases into profile sections naturally. This helps surface your candidacy in recruiter searches for those keywords.

What to Say When Applying for a Job: Communicating Your Unique Value

Tailoring your application materials for each specific job opening is key to standing out among other candidates. Here are some tips on customizing what you say to demonstrate genuine interest and highlight your unique value.

Personalizing Your Thank You Note to the Interviewer

After an interview, sending a prompt, personalized thank you note is a great way to strengthen your candidacy.

  • Reference specific discussion points from the interview to show you were engaged and found the conversation meaningful. For example: "Thank you for taking the time to discuss the digital marketing strategy for the upcoming product launch. I'm excited about the opportunity to potentially contribute to optimizing social media advertising performance."
  • Reiterate your interest and fit. Include a sentence or two on why you believe you are well-suited for the role based on what you learned.
  • Add a relevant article or resource if one came up that demonstrates your passion for the work.

Taking this extra effort personalizes the process and keeps you top of mind.

Building Relationships through LinkedIn Connections

Connecting with the interviewer and other team members on LinkedIn further builds relationships and visibility into your candidacy.

  • Send personalized connection requests to each interviewer shortly after meeting rather than generic invites.
  • Comment on recent content they posted to spark natural conversations.
  • Engage thoughtfully with any updates they post to stay connected.

Nurturing these relationships keeps you visible and shows ongoing interest.

Soliciting Constructive Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Understanding potential areas for improvement in your background, experience presentation, or interview performance allows you to optimize future applications.

  • Politely request feedback on your candidacy a week or two after interviews conclude. For example: "I appreciated the opportunity to interview and learn more about the role. If you have any constructive feedback on areas where my background could be better conveyed or additional information is needed, I welcome the input to continuously improve."
  • Demonstrate openness to critique by thanking them for any suggestions without getting defensive.
  • Incorporate improvements into future job search efforts based on the input.

Seeking feedback shows maturity and that you value self-improvement.

Exploring Other Opportunities through Referrals

Even if you are unsuccessful for the specific opening, try to come away with potential referrals or insights into other relevant opportunities.

  • Ask about related openings that may be a better fit for your background.
  • Request introductions to other relevant hiring managers to expand your network.
  • Inquire about future positions you could be considered for down the road.

The job search is about creating connections, and an unsuccessful application for one role may lead to finding your dream job elsewhere in the organization. Maximizing each touchpoint is key.

What is One Thing You Can Start Doing Today to Stand Out in the Application Process?

Standing out in the job application process is crucial to getting noticed by hiring managers. With so much competition, a generic application is unlikely to make an impact. However, there are small yet powerful things you can start doing today to help your application shine.

Initiating Targeted Networking for Direct Industry Insight

One of the best ways to understand what hiring managers are looking for in a candidate is to connect with professionals already working in your desired field. Reach out to your existing network on LinkedIn and request informational interviews to gain insider advice.

Ask thoughtful questions to learn:

  • What critical skills or experiences are valued in applicants
  • Examples of impactful projects or accomplishments
  • Key terminology used in the industry
  • Priority areas to highlight in your resume and cover letter

Use these insights to customize your application and demonstrate genuine interest in the role.

Enhancing Your Skill Set with Relevant Certifications

Pursuing a certification shows proactive commitment to developing precisely the abilities needed for a particular job. Review job postings to identify in-demand certifications and choose one that aligns with your target position.

For example, if applying for a digital marketing role, obtain a Google Ads certification. If pursuing project management jobs, study for the CAPM exam.

Adding a relevant certification to your application indicates you are actively working to close skills gaps. This helps you stand out as an eager, self-motivated candidate.

Volunteering for Projects That Showcase Applicable Skills

Volunteer work allows you to put desired skills into practice for a good cause. Seek out local nonprofits with projects matching abilities highlighted on your resume.

For instance, if you want to become a web developer, offer to update their site. If you are pursuing a career in social media, provide pro bono consulting on improving their online presence.

This experience validates you have hands-on capability with in-demand skills. It also demonstrates initiative and passion for making a difference.

Conducting a Gap Analysis on Your Application Materials

It’s difficult to assess your own resume objectively. Have a friend or career counselor review your documents to identify gaps between your current abilities and the posted job requirements.

Also, thoroughly analyze the job description, making note of must-have qualifications. Compare these to the skills and accomplishments conveyed in your application.

Address any mismatches by adjusting resume phrasing to better reflect proficiencies. Also consider pursuing additional training or volunteer work to fill experience gaps before applying.

Carefully examining how well your application materials align with the desired role is key to knowing what content needs improvement. This helps refine your documents to be as compelling as possible.

Implementing even one of these actions can significantly strengthen your candidacy. With a strategic, targeted approach, you can craft an application that grabs attention and demonstrates fit from the start. The extra effort further conveys genuine enthusiasm for the organization and commitment to the position.

Conclusion: Key Takeaways for Job Application Customization

Customizing your job application materials for each opening is crucial for demonstrating genuine interest in the role and company. Here are some key strategies to keep in mind:

Emphasizing the Importance of Tailored Content

  • Thoroughly analyze the job description and identify the key skills, experience, and requirements the hiring manager is seeking.
  • Carefully align your resume and cover letter content with those qualifications. Provide concrete examples of how your background matches their needs.
  • Use similar phrasing from the job description in your materials. This shows you understand their terminology and priorities.

Recap: Aligning Your Background with the Job Description

  • Make a list of the precise qualifications listed in the job description.
  • Identify examples in your work history that directly fulfill each requirement.
  • Incorporate those examples into your resume and cover letter to showcase the alignment.

Reiterating the Significance of Company Culture Fit

  • Research the company's mission, values, and culture thoroughly.
  • Use similar phrasing in your application materials to highlight shared priorities and preferences.
  • This demonstrates you've done your homework and are excited to contribute in a meaningful way.

The Value of Proactive Follow-Up and Feedback

  • Following up post-application builds relationships and shows ongoing interest.
  • Ask for constructive feedback regardless of outcome to improve future applications.
  • Maintaining professional connections often leads to new opportunities over time.

The bottom line is that taking the time to customize your job search materials for each opening says a lot about your genuine interest and fit for the role. Recruiters recognize and appreciate this extra effort.

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